Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Weddinged out!

Right from the 1st of August to date we have been up to our necks in weddings of kids of close friends, neighbours and family. Much as we have loved to share in their joy, and enjoyed every minute of it I only wish the weddings had been spaced out and not all packed in the month of August for there is no reprieve even now, and there is at least one wedding occasion every day till the end of the month, that we simply cannot skip. Late nights, early mornings, heavy food ... it's bound to take a toll sooner or later! I suppose we have to thank Ramazan for this heavy load on August, as July, normally a popular month for weddings was virtually eliminated from the wedding calendar this year owing to Ramazan. So, since there's no getting away from it -- as we aren't made of the stock that stubbornly refuses to participate in other people's happiness at the cost of  their own --  I shall not complain but just warn those who bump into me and can't recognise me for all the excess pounds that I will have put on, or the exhaustion written all over my face, not to fret -- for it is me, just weddinged out!

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